...the only system you will ever need...
We are a state of the art online registration system that incorporates your business needs. We offer a feature rich application that works with your organization’s members. Our system offers full HTML emails, texting, a customizable store front, seamless event registration, remote cloud storage, secure payment processing and private forums. We even archive your records for reporting historical data. There is so much that RSI has to offer.
We are here to listen you
Rest assured that your client transactions are secure
with our integrated credit card processing.
We don't hold on to ANY member information.
Ask us how we do it!
Philosophy & Services
Bottom line, you come first! Our registration system works for you and we work with you. We are a one-stop shop for your business needs.
You are not going to need multiple products for your organization, only a single solution with RSI!



About Us
We have been frustrated administrators dealing with inadequate systems. It's not easy keeping tabs on your members in an organized fashion. We have also been members of organizations that don't understand how important communication is. They don't have the system in place to help their members! This is where RSI fills that void and makes the connection between the admins and members.
This online registration system has been built with the admins and users in mind.
We listen to you. We understand not everything will work out of the box.
We will add on features you need to successfully run your organization, for FREE.
We believe in it!
Just Ask Us!
As a program administrator, ask yourself...
"Would I want this? Would my members want this? Does my current system have this?"
Let's get answers to these questions...
- unlimited email/texting
- automated event emails
- cloud archiving file system
- quickbooks exports
- custom reporting
- own bank accounts (not ours!)
- store front
- credits/promo codes/customizable discounts
- multiple admin levels
- system popups
- event/game chatting/notifications
- own private forum
- FREE customer support to all clients members
- etc...
If you want to see more check out the links below...
- Downloadable calendars
- Texting/ emailing
- Policy history
- Private info area
- Message logs
- Account history
- Personal store
- Blogging
- Social Networking
- Profile simulator
- Multiple access levels
- Mass HTML emails
- Setup policies
- Popup announcements
- Event creation
- Special discounts
- Forum moderator
- Member transfer/ removal
- Create own program structures
- Unlimited number of programs
- Custom theming
- Specific fee setup
- Multiple policies
- Cloud archive
- Custom reports
- Medical doctor info
- Customize registration
- Auto transfer to accounts
- Automated HTML emails
- Customize specific fees
- Orgainizer notification emailing
- Interactive maps
- Attachments
- Attendee lists
- Roster reporting
- Questionnaires
- Policies
"What is the benefit of using Registration Systems Incorporated?"
We can be your website hosting provider, domain registrar, communication center, event registration,
cloud service provider, member news broadcaster...the list goes on!
Let us help streamline your organization. We are here to help!

Put money back into your organization
With the savings of using RSI as your single business entity you can finally invest back into your organization.
Put the money back in your member's pockets and into the programs!

Direct deposit of transactions into your accounts.
When you use RSI, we beleive that the money should be directly desposited into your accounts.
Don't wait for bi-weekly or even monthy transfers!
Customer support is our number one priority. If you need help we are here. Our forums are full of great information for you to get information about your system.
Support services:
- chat
- phone
- email
If you need a module in your system to help you run your program better, we will develop it for you. Our development team has created extra modules for multiple clients that they couldn't get anywhere else. The great thing about this....everyone using RSI gets it too! Oh, yeah...its a FREEE add-on!

We support your members and staff!
Email - Phone- Chat - Forum
The customer comes first.
Yes, that means you!
Get your programs started with webinars and training!
Your administrators receive priority support from the friendly staff at RSI. We pave the road for your admins to run their specific groups the way they want to. Not one customer is the same, so everyone has their own unique system fine-tuned to fit their needs. We believe in that.

Free private forum for our clients!
Clients of RSI receive a private forum for their members and admins. Users logging into their registration system will have a forum account automatically created for them. Some high-ranking admins are granted forum moderator privileges!

24 hour suppoort from RSI
Email - support@regsysinc.com
Phone - 630.296.4235
Chat - log into your forum chat applet for real-time support!

Demo our prodcut!
Go ahead, create an account. No worries, we will not bother you with sales email after you do. Your new account will be as a standard member. If you want admin access, please let us know and we will make it happen!

Contact Us
If you need more information about RSI and what we can do to help streamline your organization, shoot us a quick message with the form emailer below.
We will get back to you within 24 hours of receiving this mailer. Please fill out the form to the right and click the "Send" button below it.
RSI will always work with you. Let us know what you need and we will tell you how we can help!
1202 North 75th Street
Suite #201
Downers Grove, IL 60516